Sunday, August 3, 2008

CEO - Chief Entertainment Officer

Hello - this is the official launch of my blog about being a Mom and a CEO of a small but happenin' Technical Staffing Firm in beautiful Washington State. I have had so many people and friends ask me about starting your own business, keeping it running smoothly, making it grow all whilst raising a child that I thought it would be fun to start blogging about it. I am kind of new to the whole blogging space but I read them all the time so here I go!!! WHAT was I thinking!?! When I gave my notice back in 06' to the company I was working for it was sad for me - I had worked there 6 years, made lots of friends and built up a division for QA and Testing which was cool and it actually brought it lots of money. I had toyed with the idea of starting a staffing firm for years and kept a book of ideas - you know the one. Every brilliant idea that comes across your head - oh wow that would BE COOL in a company. Yeah. It was time to go, though, and actually make my way out into the world of company ownership and leave the security of a well paying position. I remember being a little annoyed at my boss (One of my favorite bosses of all time) when he said, "It is great - just get it out of your system...good for you." Hrrrummph. Get it out of my system??? I am serious buddy - I am gonna do this. Well he was kinda right - I did need to get it out of my system and here I am years later - it is still in my system but was it ever tough. It still is. But now I am in to deep and can't turn back now. Besides I love having Jasmine's desk next to mine in the office. There is nothing like watching your daughter play with her stuffed animals and hearing, "Well...does she own a company?"


Unknown said...

Great blog idea! I'm in a similar situation, so I'm excited to see what you have to say.

Good Luck!

- Deb Wollock, Cincinnati, OH

Unknown said...

P.S. - love the metatech blog, it's so funny and i love the information. i've been reading for a few months now... do you write that one as well?

CEO MOM said...

Hey Deb - thanks so much for the wonderful comments. Actually people on my staff write the MetaTech blog although I do plan on working on it as well in the future. Keep in touch and have a wonderful weekend. Jan